
The Art Research Center,the base for the COE research, will be reorganized as an ongoing center of research as well as education. We will build the framework for a system of participatory (experiential) training and put into effect the Japanese Culture Digital Humanities Education Program, a bilingual program that takes an inter-disciplinary and open approach to learning. We will not only train scholars to make the best possible use of databases, archives and the Web, but also encourage them to participate in research projects already underway at universities, research centers and museums overseas and to present their research at international scholarly conferences. We will enlist graduate students and young post-doctoral researchers on a project basis, and foster talented individuals who can contribute to specific projects.

Moreover, by inviting young scholars from overseas to pursue research here, we will establish ourselves as a global hub of education, working with the Kyoto American Universities Consortium and exchange programs with East Asian universities and centers of Japanese studies. The exchange program will include advanced graduate students and young post-doctoral researchers. We will take advantage of our position within our university to form strong links with the departmental and early graduate studies educational systems (Modern and Japan Study), and to establish a program for producing a stream of successful doctoral candidates in a consistent educational system.